My Wonderland Life

Monday 27 April 2015

First Laugh of Firas

salam semua,

simptom mak-mak nih kan memang bahaya tau, serius bahaya. Mana tidak nya sedikit je perubahan atau prestasi meningkat anak sure dah nak riuh satu kampung, dulu marahkan ayam sebab bertelur heboh sekampung, now dah rase sendiri and tahu camane perasaan ayam yang excited selepas bertelur even sebijik!!!

Now Firas dah turn to 3 month 20 days, setiap perangai Firas yang baru semua nak record, excited mom hehehe.First picture yang Aniz record is first time Firas pandai hold something, it was so cute for me and it make me cry huhuhuhu, teruk kan, excited terlebih sangat huh **sigh**

 he like drink gripe water. maybe sebab manis kowt, this preparation for Firas tumbuh gigi or kembung perut.

so, di sebabkan ke "excited"an si ibu terhadap anak yang pandai hold something, so ibu terbeli lah botol yang boleh pegang heheh, so easy to Firas learn more about pasal pegang-pengan bende nh hehhe, seronok. I buy tommee Tippee bottle for 4 month+. Kan dah cakap ibu excited, anak baru 3 month+ dah bagi bottle susu untuk baby 4 bulan ke atas..

so, semalam was 26. April 2015, for the first time I heard Firas laugh!!, serius lagi ler excited lebih, even time tu kat shopping complex, I don't care, terus berlari kat husband and tell him about that, at the first, husband kurang excited tau, last I show to him with main  "acah-acah" to Firas then Firas gelak..terus husband pun gelak jugak, serius time tu happy moment for us as parent. I apa lagi, sure menangis ler hahahah..lawak je, serius I told uols, simptom mak-mak nih memang bahaya. Try to record but my handphone at my husband yang tengah sibuk beli buah huhuhu, so next time I will record it to show to my parent at Kuching hehehe, excited mom hahha..

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